Una escuela diferente
The next moment and without warning, the seal exploded from the water’s surface before I realized what was happening. Even though we were standing fifteen feet from the ice edge, the seal flew towards me putting his entire 600-pound mass at eye level. I only had time to raise my arm to protect my face and mutter some unintelligible expletive as his head smashed into mine. As the rest of his body hit me, I was violently thrown onto the ice. The impact knocked me down, hard.
The next moment and without warning, the seal exploded from the water’s surface before I realized what was happening. Even though we were standing fifteen feet from the ice edge, the seal flew towards me putting his entire 600-pound mass at eye level. I only had time to raise my arm to protect my face and mutter some unintelligible expletive as his head smashed into mine. As the rest of his body hit me, I was violently thrown onto the ice. The impact knocked me down, hard.
“They are not escaping war or persecution, they are fleeing their own environment. They are the world’s first climate change refugees.”
The next moment and without warning, the seal exploded from the water’s surface before I realized what was happening. Even though we were standing fifteen feet from the ice edge, the seal flew towards me putting his entire 600-pound mass at eye level. I only had time to raise my arm to protect my face and mutter some unintelligible expletive as his head smashed into mine. As the rest of his body hit me, I was violently thrown onto the ice. The impact knocked me down, hard.
The next moment and without warning, the seal exploded from the water’s surface before I realized what was happening. Even though we were standing fifteen feet from the ice edge, the seal flew towards me putting his entire 600-pound mass at eye level. I only had time to raise my arm to protect my face and mutter some unintelligible expletive as his head smashed into mine. As the rest of his body hit me, I was violently thrown onto the ice. The impact knocked me down, hard.

ARRIBA: Esta fue nuestra primera visita a una escuela filipina, entrar a un aula y ver escritorios rosas, paredes verdes, colores por todas partes. El espíritu de los filipinos se encuentra en todo lo que les rodea, son entusiastas, humildes, descarados pero sobre todo anfitriones amables y hospitalarios.

ARRIBA: Este día en la escuela de Vigan, el patio se convirtió en un escenario democrático. Los estudiantes participan activamente en las elecciones escolares, algunos en el escenario presentando sus iniciativas, otros escuchando atentamente las propuestas de los candidatos y ejerciendo su derecho al voto para elegir a sus representantes.

ARRIBA: Una joven candidata en el escenario en la escuela comparte sus ideas con entusiasmo, mientras sus compañeros la observan con atención y sonrisas desde abajo. Presenciamos cómo el espíritu democrático cobra vida, manifestándose a través de la participación activa y entusiasta de los estudiantes.

ARRIBA: En el interior de un aula filipina, los niños se encuentran sentados en sus pupitres amarillos, dirigidos hacia el frente. La vibrante cultura local se refleja en cada rincón del aula, con carteles de diversas asignaturas adornan las paredes. Destaca un mural que representa un arco iris, manos y palomas, elementos que forman parte de la rica tradición cristiana de los filipinos.
The next moment and without warning, the seal exploded from the water’s surface before I realized what was happening. Even though we were standing fifteen feet from the ice edge, the seal flew towards me putting his entire 600-pound mass at eye level. I only had time to raise my arm to protect my face and mutter some unintelligible expletive as his head smashed into mine. As the rest of his body hit me, I was violently thrown onto the ice. The impact knocked me down, hard.
The next moment and without warning, the seal exploded from the water’s surface before I realized what was happening. Even though we were standing fifteen feet from the ice edge, the seal flew towards me putting his entire 600-pound mass at eye level. I only had time to raise my arm to protect my face and mutter some unintelligible expletive as his head smashed into mine. As the rest of his body hit me, I was violently thrown onto the ice. The impact knocked me down, hard.
“They are not escaping war or persecution, they are fleeing their own environment. They are the world’s first climate change refugees.”
The next moment and without warning, the seal exploded from the water’s surface before I realized what was happening. Even though we were standing fifteen feet from the ice edge, the seal flew towards me putting his entire 600-pound mass at eye level. I only had time to raise my arm to protect my face and mutter some unintelligible expletive as his head smashed into mine. As the rest of his body hit me, I was violently thrown onto the ice. The impact knocked me down, hard.
The next moment and without warning, the seal exploded from the water’s surface before I realized what was happening. Even though we were standing fifteen feet from the ice edge, the seal flew towards me putting his entire 600-pound mass at eye level. I only had time to raise my arm to protect my face and mutter some unintelligible expletive as his head smashed into mine. As the rest of his body hit me, I was violently thrown onto the ice. The impact knocked me down, hard.

ARRIBA: En el patio del colegio, las paredes se convierten en lienzos decolor y conocimiento. En nuestro pasep por las instalaciones de la escuela los niños se agruparon frente a una de estas paredes llenas de conceptos matemáticos y decimales.

ARRIBA: La primera imagen nos sumerge en el interior del aula vibrante de la escuela de Vigan. Carteles con frases motivadoras en filipino adornan las paredes, con valores de la cultura filipina. En la segunda imagen, capturamos de improvisto a una alumna durante la clase.

ARRIBA: En las baldas se disponen de materiales para la práctica de las matemáticas, unas verduras, tal vez un reflejo del aprendizaje práctico y vivencial. Nos encantó la sala de profesores, donde se llevaron a cabo las entrevistas con los educadores. Este espacio no escapa al encanto del entorno escolar, pues está impregnado de colores vivos, flores que aportan su toque de frescura y detalles decorativos que dan vida a este rincón de la escuela. Cada elemento parece contar una parte de la historia de esta escuela filipina, sumergiéndonos en un universo lleno de vitalidad y color.